Friday, September 4, 2009

Waiting for internet

Well, it looks like I will be getting internet at my place next Saturday (9/12). It is actually a pretty quick connection in Japan considering that it is about 2 weeks since I applied. Still, not being able to use your own computer for internet is painful, very painful. For one, it is a pain to try to send files and I do not really trust public computers when trying to access sensitive data (like my bank account).

Went to a class organized by my advisor today. It was basically just a series of lectures from various profs. Technically it is still going on (and will continue tomorrow) but I decided to leave after listening to 3 of the 5 lectures today. Reason? I did not really understand a single thing they said. Ok, maybe that is a bit harsh, I could catch sentences here and there, but I did not really get the overall point of the lectures. Not surprisingly, my Japanese is not good enough yet to actually take classes in the language. Students get credit for the class as well, so I guess you can say that they stuffed 8 lectures (each around 1.25 hours), a discussion, and a conclusion into two days.

Been slowly collecting stuff and my room is almost fully furnished. Need to organize it though. My tendency to leave stuff all over my room is a lot more noticable when the room is small.

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