Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trains and Appearances

I find it interesting that in Japan, train tickets are cheaper during the weekend. I guess they are trying to get more people to use public transportation during the weekend while it is already a given that they will use it during the week. In America (looking mainly at the Metrolink), it is the exact opposite. I guess in America they are trying to get more people to ride public transportation instead of driving during the week? One reason is probably that most American public transportation systems are not that good (to be fair they usually have to cover a larger area as well).

Oh, and when I went to get my flat tire fixed today, the shop owner commented how I totally look Japanese. When I told him my parents were from Taiwan he said I did not look Chinese or Taiwanese either. I guess it is nice to be able to blend in to your surroundings and not stand out, but at the same time I feel people expect me to be fluent in Japanese based on my appearance. The pressure might be a reason I am so hesitant to talk to most Japanese people. While I know this is totally illogical, I feel like I am letting them down somewhat.


  1. actually, metrolink tickets are cheaper on the weekends in the states as well

    anti-gaijin dilemma?

  2. I didn't know Japanese looked any different. But I heard some were made out of rubber; some have multiple body parts; some have palms that can hit people halfway across the world....
